Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I want to stay in transition a bit longer...

The strangest things have always happened to me when it comes to work, specifically to work that I managed to create a pretty good career out of : pre-kids.
Let's see, there were the 3 times I went back to work after maternity leave and I hoped and prayed that I would get packaged out and walk away with some well-deserved coin (since this company had every waking hour of mine before I had kids!). Did that work out? Nosiree. Instead, I got the wearesohappytohaveyoubacks, and wereallyneedyouonthisbusiness shpiel. Okay, enough already. Truthfully, the last time I was only calling their bluff, had no intention whatsoever of sticking around, and JUST went back for a package. Then, like a big loser, I had to quit 10 days after being there because there was no package coming!! I have not returned since. I can't say that I have missed it terribly since either. You might say I have had my hands full - hello 10, 8 and 5 year old girls!! My head, well, it's a bit muddy, but wtf right? I did dabble in some self-employment. It was actually moderately successful, but whatayaknow? You actually need to dedicate MORE time to your own business - not less. Flexibility was veddy veddy good though.
So, in case you are still reading this most boring (so far) and non-humourous post (sorry), here is the rub.
A couple of weeks ago, this guy I worked with very well for years calls to ask me if I would be interested in doing project work for him - in my industry - the one I left a full 6 years ago - part time, mostly from home....Hello? Much as I actually do NOT want to go back to work, hello? This is like the type of dream that mothers who work can't pass up. Someone I like working with, who knows what I am (er...was) capable of, who is offering me something that I know will not come up frequently. Yikes. My littlest one is JUST starting Grade 1. I thought after 10 years of kids at home, I would actually be able to take a deep breath (at least for a few months). I really really really don't want to sound ungrateful though. I know how difficult it can be to get back into the work game, especially now. September is out of the question though. Kids start school, PTC commitments, I am going to be an auntie soon... Yippee.
Anyways, it's not a done deal. I am going to meet with them again in a few weeks. Phew. A few more weeks of transition.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

another year under our belts

if only i could still wear belts, but enough about me.
our 3 little dolls just finished another school year. man it goes faster and faster. just when you think you have a kid in sk, grade 2 and grade 4 - boom boom pow! (thanks fergi), you have kids in grade 3, grade 5 and wait for it, our baby is going into grade 1! i will never be the same again. oops, it's not about me. i ferget. he he.
so, they have changed so much over the year-

-just finished grade 4, is now a full fledged pre-teen. she has dropped her i hate my mom and sisters moodiness (at least until full teen mode) and now all her true colours shine. she is a level 9 swimmer (awesome), a truly incredible artist, an even more accomplished skiier, and a much improved gymnast. she is more confident, and becoming more interested in music. i need to get musically cool again so i can keep up. who am i kidding, i will never be musically cool enough for her again. did i mention that she also happens to be the type of student that teachers wish for year after year? seriously, a teacher has told me this. it's usually the parents requesting teachers - in nicole's case, she is requested. how lovely.

-just finished grade 2. i cannot believe it. her confidence is also growing. she is an amazing and voracious reader, she is a bubbly, kind and friendly kid. she is turning eight, so she can be pretty moody at times, but is truly yummy most of the time. she is incredibly helpful. she has also become an improved swimmer, skiier and dancer. her dance show this year was incredible. she is also a major fashionista. she is practicing for the teen years by a) being the slowest at getting ready in the morning - oh yes, everything must match perfectly and be totally accessorized. a good hair straightening is key - umm...you are seven kid.

-well well, kyla is as energetic as ever. having just finished senior kindergarten, she is now emerging from the preschool years. i truly cannot believe it. i am going to be left in a heap of tears on the first day of school. she is awesome. she has learned to read and write this year, and loves every minute of it. she has also learned the meaning of friendship and how to communicate with her friends. she is a terrific emerging skiier, and as well, a great artist. lookout grade 1 - here comes kyla.

But first, summer. little bits of camp, soccer, and my favourite - the great family getaway. the husband and i are really gearing up for time alone with the kids, a no rush pace and NO CELL PHONES, NO BLACKBERRIES, NO COMPUTERS. just the five of us - ahhh... i can't wait.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

oh oh a bump in the road

okay, so this was supposed to be a rambling, ranting, reporting of a mom in transition - like from home to work outside the home. uh huh. except, then i went and volunteered to be on our parent council at my kids' school. hello. remember office politics? worse. remember client politics? worse. remember playground politics? much much worse. ick. i love doing it for the kids school and i thought it would be really great to be part of our school community. it is. but man, some of these women (oh yes, they are always women) are so so so full of this role. this tiny bit of acquired power (??), or social standing. it's truly obnoxious. wow.
on the other hand, there are still many women who i adore who, like me wanted to be part of their kids' school and help wherever possible. i do love my co-mommies, for so many reasons. it's the other ones, the ones that i don't even love as co-mommies that grate on my noives. yes, i did say noives. need sleep now.

Friday, June 5, 2009

hmmm...is it telling that i went to write an entry and forgot my own blog address and password....maybe some mental gymnastics is in order!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

well, well, here i finally am in the blogosphere. i am so uncool and untech that i don't even know how this is going to work. i used to be cool. i tell my kids that i was cool even before they were born. they find it hard to believe. i even used to be funny. interestingly, i may still be both of those things, but i certainly don't know it.
what got me here finally was a review for a book i am going to read. the book is called the ten year nap and it is about a group of professional women (another thing i used to be) who have been home with their kids for the last 10 years. that's all i know about it, but it was intriguing enough that it hit a nerve for me.
before i continue, let me be clear. staying home with my kids has been a very conscious choice. it is also one that i have felt fortunate to have been able to make. nonetheless, it has certainly been an unexpected ride. that is basically what i hope to make connections and light of here. we will see how it goes.
welcome to my world. i am a mom in transition.