Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I want to stay in transition a bit longer...

The strangest things have always happened to me when it comes to work, specifically to work that I managed to create a pretty good career out of : pre-kids.
Let's see, there were the 3 times I went back to work after maternity leave and I hoped and prayed that I would get packaged out and walk away with some well-deserved coin (since this company had every waking hour of mine before I had kids!). Did that work out? Nosiree. Instead, I got the wearesohappytohaveyoubacks, and wereallyneedyouonthisbusiness shpiel. Okay, enough already. Truthfully, the last time I was only calling their bluff, had no intention whatsoever of sticking around, and JUST went back for a package. Then, like a big loser, I had to quit 10 days after being there because there was no package coming!! I have not returned since. I can't say that I have missed it terribly since either. You might say I have had my hands full - hello 10, 8 and 5 year old girls!! My head, well, it's a bit muddy, but wtf right? I did dabble in some self-employment. It was actually moderately successful, but whatayaknow? You actually need to dedicate MORE time to your own business - not less. Flexibility was veddy veddy good though.
So, in case you are still reading this most boring (so far) and non-humourous post (sorry), here is the rub.
A couple of weeks ago, this guy I worked with very well for years calls to ask me if I would be interested in doing project work for him - in my industry - the one I left a full 6 years ago - part time, mostly from home....Hello? Much as I actually do NOT want to go back to work, hello? This is like the type of dream that mothers who work can't pass up. Someone I like working with, who knows what I am (er...was) capable of, who is offering me something that I know will not come up frequently. Yikes. My littlest one is JUST starting Grade 1. I thought after 10 years of kids at home, I would actually be able to take a deep breath (at least for a few months). I really really really don't want to sound ungrateful though. I know how difficult it can be to get back into the work game, especially now. September is out of the question though. Kids start school, PTC commitments, I am going to be an auntie soon... Yippee.
Anyways, it's not a done deal. I am going to meet with them again in a few weeks. Phew. A few more weeks of transition.

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